Georgina's Entry: The Mumma Diaries

Georgina's Entry: The Mumma Diaries

Motherhood is a journey filled with both incredible joys and unique challenges. For Georgina, navigating this path has been a transformative experience that has tested her strength and resilience. From sleepless nights to heartwarming moments, she shares her insights and reflections on the most challenging and rewarding aspects of her motherhood journey. Join us as we delve into Georgina's story and uncover the wisdom she imparts to new mothers, offering a glimpse into the profound impact motherhood has had on her life.


What is the most challenging part of your motherhood journey so far? and how did you cope with it?

There are so many challenges but the hardest thing I’ve dealt with is the sleepless nights. I’ve just started working full time again and staying up for hours on end with a wakeful baby has been really hard.

I cope the only way I know how and that is to power through and keep going. I know there’s a light at the end of the tunnel and what keeps me going is knowing it won’t be forever.


What has been the most rewarding part of your motherhood journey so far? How has it impacted your life?

Definitely hearing them call you their mama, seeing the love in their gaze when they look at you and how pure their need for their mother is. I love how they run to me when they see me and how happy they are when I’m with them. Motherhood is all consuming and it’s impacted me in such a beautiful way.


What advice would you give to a new mum or wish someone had told you before you became a mum?

Don’t be so hard on yourself and take each day as it comes, cherish each warm hug and snuggle up to your little ones fit as long as you can. It’s all so fleeting!

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