Kiki's Entry: The Mumma Diaries

Kiki's Entry: The Mumma Diaries


Kiki is a remarkable individual who embodies strength, resilience, and the unwavering love of a mother. Her journey through motherhood has been marked by challenges, including battling Hyperemesis Gravidarum during pregnancy, but she has emerged as a true warrior.

With the support of her loving partner, Kiki found her voice and learned to trust her instincts in the face of unwanted advice and opinions. Her experience serves as an inspiration to others, highlighting the power of self-belief and the boundless capacity of a mother's love.


What is the most challenging part of your motherhood journey so far? and how did you cope with it?

I would have to say the advice and opinions from others. Whether it be from parents, non-parents, family, friends, doctors, midwives, the internet and even strangers. Oh and don’t get me started on the unwanted advice 😂. In the beginning I would allow all these comments to get to me, put me down, stress me the f**k out, but with the support and encouragement of my loving partner he helped me find my mum voice.

Though not always do I find my feet, I have to remind myself every now and then to take everything lightly because I know all things said are said with love and good intent - it definitely has taught me resilience and patience. At the end of the day, I am the parent and I know what is best for baby and I.

What has been the most rewarding part of your motherhood journey so far? How has this impacted your life?

How can I narrow this question down to just one? It’s merely impossible. But if I were to give an answer it would be, simply being a mother. I knew in my heart that I was born to be a mum, it is so life-changing but in the best way possible. I always thought my career would take precedence to being a mum but now I never want to go back to work. LOL

What advice would you give to a new mum or wish someone had told you before you became a mum?

Trust yourself. You are and will continue doing your absolute best! Do not allow doctors, midwives and MACH nurses to pressure you on subjects or to make hasty decisions without doing your own research. They all have different opinions and recommendations (literally all different, each and every time) and if you don’t agree with them they can be belittling and emotionally blackmail you. What works for one baby may not work for your baby - trust yourself.

During my pregnancy I suffered HG (Hyperemesis Gravidarum) the entire time, I vomited and felt nauseous every day, I cried every night, nothing I ate or drank stopped the vomiting, no amounts of medication helped. I was dismissed multiple times by GP’s, ED staff, midwives and OB’s. I absolutely had termination and suicide thoughts.

Though not everyone is bad, HITH (Hospital in The Home) saved my life. I honestly don’t know how I did it, I was so physically and mentally exhausted but I survived and I am a HG warrior.

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